A Life in View

It hurts to watch it happening
The life before me holding on, to the fragments of reality
Memories are flickering, like an old time silent movie
Images moving too fast for a fragile mind to hold
This life was once magnificant; holding court wherever it went
And now it sits in perfect peace, almost seemingly, content
The onlooker tries to fathom, to understand and care
Whose hands are tied, bound by love, reaching out but there’s no one there
Although the picture seems so clear, it’s clouded in the depths
Memories are so precious, as time will wipe them clean
But even in the darkness, they’ll bring comfort and ultimate peace.


If Only

If only there were rainbows and skies that were always blue
If only we could walk a mile, in someone eles’s shoes
If only there was kindness far beyond what we expect
If only someone mattered, and there was no neglect
If only we could see the sun, every day for evermore
If only there were treasures, that we could just explore
If only grass was greener, on the patch where we now stand
If only life was easy, enjoyable and quite grand
If only there was someone, to take away the pain
If only troubles melted and were washed away by rain
If only we were happy, content and full of joy
If only lives were valued and that no one could destroy
If only there was hope, for a better life than this
If only doubts were shattered, obliterated once dismissed
If only we could see, that our future is secure
If only we believed, we would be saved, of that I’m sure.



Mine is the joy of the unspoken word
A face that wisdom has not rejected
Peeling away the lushes layers of time
That prove existence and recite paths taken
Beauty reflecting a calm and quiet spirit, dwelling within
And eyes that hold answers to questions, too painful to ask
A remarkable story that will never be revealed
While quiet contemplation wears a noble crown
And empty arms that held a precious loss
Will bury the life that remains in truth
And justice will free the grave that cries for love.


Darkness falling, closing in; fear ascending, what do I know
Surrendering to weakness, lies becoming real, engulfing me

Promises forgotten, cast aside while breath quickens
Broken and defeated; evil basking in the glow of victory
And the stench of death filling my nostrils
As the grave wraps its robes around me

A fresh breeze flows, bringing distraction and hope
Tugging, pulling, holding me down, the web secures well
Cold breath on my neck brings a raw sickness, pulsating
Thickening fog closing in, consuming me
Emptiness engulfs me as death sneers in my face
Crying out to seemingly deaf ears

Alone but not forgotten; isolated but not hidden
Gentle whispers from afar, caress me
Ssh…. succumbing, nearly there, heaviness restricting
Searching, trying to reach; holding onto trust
Believing the fight is already won; remembering the truth
Controlling breath, clutching at words, the answer is in the light
Alone but never forgotten; isolated but never hidden.


Look Up

When we are stripped of all things known and we have nowhere to turn

When the future is uncertain and trust is all we have

Our plans destroyed, shredded and turned to dust

Is there a better future as this one looks bleak

Hoping lives will not be lost in vain; that a purpose will prevail

Feelings are raw; despair, unbelief, anxiety; you can feel it in the atmosphere

And outside continues, living and growing right before our eyes

Nature confirming the future whatever it holds

I’m surrendering with bended knee to whatever comes to pass

To outstretched arms that will protect and comfort me

Look up! Do not be afraid for you are loved.

A little bit of sunshine… hopefully đŸ˜Ž

I sometimes get a little nudge to do something for another. Given that I’m not really a people person I often find it challenging to engage in conversation with persons not known to me so it was rather surprising that I received a little nudge to make a blanket for a lovely lady who is going through a rather tough time. Do I know her? Absolutely not. My better half does know her husband and happened to mention to me that this lady was having surgery for a disease that it seems 1 in 3 people we know have, and I was vexed thinking about her and her 3 very young children.

Anyhow the feeling grew and the yarn was duly ordered so I waited for the postie to drop the familiar package in through my front porch window which he duly did in a day or two. The blanket was commenced with enthusiasm and I was enjoying my new found ripple pattern however I was somewhat apprehensive about the purpose of this crochet project and a little unsure of whether I should indeed give it to the recipient simply because it felt rather bazaar to be crocheting something for a complete stranger that I would undoubtedly have to meet to present this gift.

As I worked away I kept thinking of how it might bring some comfort to the lady in question and how I really hoped and prayed that she would make a full and speedy recovery and somehow I was reassured from within that I was doing the right thing. The blanket was completed in time to deliver it personally just a few days after Christmas. I was nervous and really didn’t know what I was going to say although when her husband opened the front door my nerves disappeared (my husband had a vague idea where they lived but he also knew what cars they drove which helped in locating the house) as he had the loveliest wee boy clinging to his leg. I explained who I was and why I was there and then handed over the blanket. Whilst asking about his wife the lady in question appeared looking a little fragile but smiling widely. Behind her came the most beautiful little toddler holding her fluffy rabbit and trying to tell me all about the little figures held tightly in her chubby fists. My heart was breaking just taking in this wonderful family scene and I wasn’t the one facing a lifetime of uncertainty.

A card accompanied the blanket explaining that it was created to bring comfort, to keep warm, to bring a little sunshine into the day, to remind us that others care and to let the recipient know that I truly believe that she is safe in God’s hands and that he has everything under control. If I am privileged to make another blanket then I trust that it will bring some comfort and a little sunshine into someone else’s life.

Baby Chili Ripple…

Haven’t been here for a while but I have been keeping myself busy with crochet projects and other yummy things.  So…finished a baby blanket for a friend who is a lady in waiting however I didn’t really think that she would like it so I started another one in ripple pattern (love this pattern) and here it is so far…DSCF0577

Also, to keep me sane during the long dull evenings, I decided to make some Chili Jam which I dutifully did and put it into some lovely jars which I sourced on my many retail therapy trips. Have to leave it for one month to let the ingredients do their magic but I’ll wait…excellence should not be rushed!

Maybe I should post the recipe too??DSCF0578